Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Does A Ohio Marriage Certificate Look Like?

University of San Luis Potosi

Systems Engineer and Industrial Technology Core

general II: Communication and Research

research protocol
¨ 5's ·

Alejandro Infante
Tel: 81515849 and 4448468803
Kaleb Nelson Maldonado Cerda
Tel: 4776210 and 4442384317
Relief Guadalupe Palmer

INDEX ----------------------- 1.-COVER- --------------------------------------------------
------------ 1 ------------------------------- 2.-INDEX- --------------------------------------------------
-------- 2 ------------------------------------ 3 .- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
----------------------------------- 3-4.-PROLOGUE -------- -------------------------------------------------- 5.-
--------------------------- 4 ---------------- INTRODUCTION- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 6
6.-JUSTIFICATION---------------------------------- 7.-7 --------------------------------------------
DELIMITATION -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 7 8.-
------------------------------------------- RESEARCH QUESTIONS ---------- 7
9.-GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ------------------------------- 10.-8 ----------------
THEORETICAL --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 9
11. -------------------------------------------------HYPOTHESIS --------------------------------- 14 ----------
12.-DISEÑO EXPERIMENTAL -------------------------------------------------- - 14

13.--------------------------------- RESEARCH RESULTS ---------------- 17
13.1.3 .- CHAPTER 3 RESULTS OF THE COMPANY --------------------------------
----------------------------------------- 23-15.-BIBLIOGRAPHY - -------------------------------------------------- 24
16.-ANEXOS--- ------------------------ ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- 25

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank everyone who supported us in the development of research, Mr. Villafuerte, human resources manager Bizerba services company, Tec Agundis Alejandro Moreno, employees of the company in general.
worth mentioning that thanks to the support of Professor Palmer Relief Guadalupe de los Santos, took out a proper investigation.
Thanks to our families who helped us to improve research.
Thank God helped us to continue and complete the investigation, in an excellent manner and let us go forward.

To comply with the institutional mission of the Corporation efficiently and effectively, you need to implement a culture of continuous improvement, which led to the adoption of certain tools to get the target (get to implement a system of Quality Management). For this to be reality, it is necessary to cause some changes in the organization, such as: believe in the proposal for quality, commitment, motivation and self motivarse.En the context of the Management System (QMS), is a concrete method that attaches value to the improvement of existing, based on creativity, initiative and personal involvement, is consequently a key element in improving the competitividad.Por that the Office of Internal Oversight presented for consideration by the Directorate of Regional Autonomous Corporation of Santander, a guidance document to implement a tool to create quality called 5 S, which is conducive to the identification and commitment staff their facilities with decent workspace 5 S can develop some independence to the SGC, which will provide a springboard to launch awareness then this action. In any case, the success of the 5 S and its perpetuation requires total commitment of operational staff as part of the hierarchical structure to induce a change in mood, attitude and behavior of the organization, ensuring the process implementation of the Quality Management Total.Este manual will guide all staff in the implementation (techniques, procedures and audits of the 5 S) and special assistant principals and office managers who will assume role of facilitators within their areas of work, motivating staff to ensure the success of programa.En this document reflects the fundamental concepts of what has been called 'the 5S methodology' or '5 S 'without more. This is to provide guidelines to understand, implement and maintain a system of order and cleanliness in the company from which to lay the foundation for continuous improvement and a better standard of quality, safety and environment of the whole empresa.Para this, after an introduction to methodology and its origins, are listed below the basic concepts of 5S, ending with a description of the process of implementing a empresa.En work, people should have adequate spaces and environments. The company and the employees have the responsibility to organize, maintain and improve their workplaces permanently, thus achieving the quality and productivity rates required for the company is able to survive in today's market. In addition result in greater welfare of people at work.

INTRODUCTION Currently companies need to have an optimal organization from its inputs, processes and outputs, which are used by tools that facilitate this work. In these tools have always pioneered the Japanese, as their way of working is made safe, caring primarily for the welfare of the worker and the workplace.
That is how the 5's, seeking a suitable space and harmonious development of the work of operators, leaving aside the most important improvement of any company profits.
This research aims to demonstrate the usefulness and function of this tool in the industrial area, visiting a company and questioning employees about the benefits they have gained since its implementation, comparing the production rates years past and the present, as well as comparison of production times before and after implementation of our tool to study (5's).


This research is focused on the use of the 5 s within a manufacturing company called Bizerba dedicated to the manufacture of slicers, trying to demonstrate the utility and the results that this tool offers both the process time and manufacturing costs

Research will be held within the company Bizerba Services (dedicated to manufacture of sliced \u200b\u200bmeats) from February to March 2010. RESEARCH QUESTIONS

1 .- What are the 5's?
2 .- What are they used?
3 .- Where do you use?
4 .- Why is it important to use this tool?
5 .- What is home?
6 .- Name, location and industry that is dedicated to the company that is going to visit
7 .- Do you know of the existence of the 5's?
8 .- Apply the 5's?
9 .- Do you have tested the application of this tool?
10 .- In what area and what benefits have come with the use of the 5's? OBJECTIVE

demonstrate the importance and usefulness of the 5 s in the industrial sector within a company to evaluate its applications and behaviors. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES

* questioning workers about the existence and knowledge of 5 s.
* investigate all matters relating to the 5 s origins and characteristics.
* expose their applications and purposes.
* organize information to set it to the final report.

This paper is a theoretical framework, which addresses the studied research topic is "Using of the 5's in the industry "based on the theories of several authors of books, journal articles, and websites which will guide us in our information for the development of the subject, to explain and to give an idea for those who do not know the subject and who know, open up the picture. Historical

The idea of \u200b\u200busing tools in the industry to improve production processes emerged from several years ago as a result of the pursuit of continuous improvement, these terms are first heard in Japan that are the pioneers in terms of process improvement tools, + trying to look for quality but they realized that: ¨ To have quality that is required before any order, cleanliness and discipline. ¨ [1] Thus originated the tool called the 5's. Defining the concept
First of all in our investigation comes out what is meant by 5's, so for us the 5's are not just a tool for improvement which owes its name from the initials of the five words that form: ¨ 1.Seiri (Separate): differentiate between necessary and unnecessary items in the workplace and download the latter. 2. Seiton (Order): Available in an orderly manner all the elements that remain after the seiri. 3. Six Clean): Maintain clean machines and work environments. 4. Seiketsu (systematize) to extend the concept of self cleaning and continuously practice the three steps above.
5. Shitsuke (Standardize): building self-discipline and form the habit of engaging in the 5 S by setting standards. ¨ [2] .
Another concept that we define is the quality which is the optimal way to perform a process, in such a way that makes it to production without errors and the first, using row materials, labor, first all in a timely manner, according to customer requirements. [3]

theories that handle various authors concerning the use of the 5's are on one side of Masaaki Imai, who says: ¨ The use of the 5's did not give more than value for money in a process industrial, aiming at total quality ¨ [4] and one theory is that of Jorge Ottawa, which mentions: ¨ Before upgrading any process within our company is first to optimize the resources that account the company, from human to Materiel · [5]
We will continue with Masaaki Imai's theory and that seems more optimistic about our theory refers, of course not rule out Ottawa Jorge theory because for us the optimization of human resources is not as important as the materials.

theory Assessment Within our research took into account three books from which we get what we find most important for our research.
The first book Pulido Gutierrez was speaking on the subject from the standpoint of industrial highly because it was "based on the factory environment and how they should organize everything that influences a process manufacturing. " [6]
On the other hand the book How to implement Kaizen in the workplace Masaaki Imai says that the use of the 5's as a daily that should develop in companies so that they can gain a competitive level within the business industry, and thus, keep pace and even get to the standardization with other countries, as we see this author see this tool from a standpoint of international trade. [7]
The book The engineering manual Jorge Ottawa is a compilation of different quality tools that enable companies to improve any manufacturing process with the sole purpose of selling more and meet the specifications provided to it required by their customers. [8]

For our research also used documents extracted from web pages. On July
Hernandez was a series of meanings that had each of the 5's starting from ancient times as did the engineering and to present that: ¨ the man has sought the opportunity to improve processes carried out within companies ¨. [9] This article was of great importance for research.
The second reading is Caesar Rovira is more detailed and manages a language more suitable for people who do not develop in the industry, managing a few definitions but examples of daily life, the more we broaden the horizon Regarding the use of process improvement tools. [10] This reading was the most understandable and helped us understand more about the research topic.
The third was de Guzman Robles was the most difficult to understand because the author managed to engineer a very definitions of key concepts for the use of 5's, so we're not yet familiar with the industry hardly understood. [11] This reading barely served us so we did not pay much attention in research.
In our recent research sources were obtained from magazines. Article
industrial zone The 5s in the industry Guzmán Robles find an example of a company, and has improved the quality of service using the 5's, including a chart detailing the increase in sales and profits. [12]
Articles The 5 's as a tool in the magazine industry production processes and the evolution of 5s Industrial Zone magazine are interviews with engineers in the quality process, where have the advantages that are the employment of process improvement tools and give their views on the development of industry in Mexico, which barely served us very, very good sources and they open the doors to the view people in the industrial field. [13] [14]

Conclusion Most sources show us that our theory which was: ¨ The introduction at the 5's companies streamline processes and optimize production resources · is very similar to what is reality and every day that passes is taken by companies to improve and stay ahead in the processes and implementations in the industry. So it helps us further develop these sources during our research, since they are very understanding and easy to work in industrial technical terms are concerned. Hypothesis

The 5's streamline production processes business, optimizing resources to the fullest.
Independent variable: The 5's
Dependent variable: production processes and resources.
object of study: Methodology of the 5's. Methodological Design

1 .- Experimental
not 1.1.-trans-type
1.1.1 .- Explanatory

chose this method because we want to use this tool to discover why and what and how is their use at this time.
Since our research is a subject that is poorly understood, as it should be on exploratory research.
These are the techniques that we use. Ø

documentary collection or observation or interviews
You will have to
Jorge Villafuerte, human resources manager on April 12, 2010
Survey or questionnaire to 64 workers were conducted between April 20 to May 5 in the company.

We will do the following procedure. Consultations
ü ü
experts Observatory
reality with such techniques
So get information and have a better idea of \u200b\u200bwho they are and how it is carried out their work. In this way we will check with the procedure if it is true what was investigated.

Sample 5's
For surveys
We have a universe of 100 workers. Therefore we have:

N = 100
V ² = 0.015
p = 0.9
S ² = p (1-p)
n '= S ² / V ² = p (1-p) / (0.015) ² = 0.9 (0.1) / 0.000225 = 400
n = n '/ 1 + (n' / N) = 400 / 1 + (400/100) = 400 / 1 +4 = 400 / 5 = 80
KSH = n / N * 80 = 80/100 * 80 = 64

As previously acquired surveys were applied to 64 workers.


The use of the 5's is carried by almost all parts of the world, because since its beginnings in Japan, has been successful in the productivity of individual firms , with Toyota a major precursor of this tool.
Regarding the national context, its use is based more in the industries of automotive, but although it is in greatest use, other classes (such as manufacturing) have also applied, because this tool is designed to to improve any process. Locally
few companies that apply the 5's, this is mainly because they are not given much importance since our state has not yet reached a maximum industrial development, so they have used it is because they are corporations or companies leading the market, having more contact with the business world have greater knowledge of tools that have proved worldwide. [15]
As we can see is that the use of the 5 `s not as prevalent due to lack human capacity to work in an orderly manner, but we see that in companies where if you apply have many benefits.

"The 5's are not just a tool for improvement which owes its name from the initials of the five words that constitute it:
1.Seiri (Separate ): the difference between necessary and unnecessary items in the workplace and download the latter.
2. Seiton (Order): Available in an orderly manner all the elements that remain after seiri.
3. Six Clean): Maintain clean machines and work environments. 4. Seiketsu (systematize) to extend the concept of self cleaning and continuously practice the three steps above.
5. Shitsuke (Standardize): building self-discipline and form the habit of engaging in the 5 S by setting standards. " [16]
The advantages we have as a result of applying this tool are: ü
Delete the workspace which is useless
ü Organize your workspace effectively
ü Improve the cleanliness of places Ü
prevent the appearance of dirt and disorder
ü Encourage efforts in this regard
ü Improving working conditions and staff morale (it is nice to work in a clean and tidy)
ü Reduce the cost of time ü
energy and reduce the risk of accidents or health
ü Improve the quality of production. Ü
Work Safety.
On the other hand the truth is that the only downside we could find in the development of implementation of the 5's is the resilience of the operators, due to several factors: Fear
ü ü unable
Not wanting to change
These factors come together and form the biggest fear: Fear of being fired for not being able to keep up a system of order and cleanliness. And perhaps one should not be afraid if you know how to do their job, perhaps the fear is to be replaced at some point by someone or something that if you are willing to change "The truth is that they would be fired, only give them a training achieve maximum performance and have developed in their work " [17] .
Then came the training, after all, it would cost more for the company, "must accept any condition or price range to achieve maximum optimization of resources" [18]


Within the company we visited (Bizerba services Mexico) found that the implementation of this quality tool has been very favorable in terms of interest economic and human costs of same. Ü
Some benefits that were achieved were:
ü Increased production of slices
ü Reduced manufacturing time
ü Reduced scrap (waste)
ü Increased productivity per person
ü Reduced manufacturing costs
Mayor ü space for the process area
ü Lower accident rates or injury to workers
ü Ease of finding materials

The truth is that the company is operating in a very fluid, and the implementation of this tool has produced benefits is intended in its ideology, thus proving that the 5's if they serve.
Perhaps this is because: "Everyone who enters receives factory training of the 5` s focused on the area of \u200b\u200bwork which will develop " [19] so when making our surveys we realized that this was true, as most people if they knew about this tool while they did not know it was because they had just a week after he entered the factory, so we still were not given such training.

Another important aspect that meets the company is applying the 5's in all departments as we see in the following chart, the different departments know they mean the 5's and working with her.

To demonstrate how the use of 5's in the factory saves space and transportation time we see the following images that we find as these aspects were improved in the company.

the company's earnings and time Manufacturing also have a significantly decreased, as we see in the following graphic.

CONCLUSIONS The most important conclusion to our research topic is that in practice the usefulness of the 5's in a manufacturing company or any even in daily life is very good because it gives result in many benefits, facilitating our work in both daily life and in the workplace.
As we see its application can only vary depending on the operators with whom you work, giving them good training but anything is possible.
The use of the 5's can performed in any department of any company as well as in everyday life, giving us benefits (as above) as:
v Reducing time in activities
v v Increased productivity Reduced risk

v Increased workspace.
As we highly recommend using this quality tool.


ü Gutiérrez Pulido, Humberto. (2005), "The 5's" in Mexico Total Quality, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, pp. 280-284. Ü
Guzman, Robles (March 2009) "The 5s in the industry" Industrial Zone, vol. II, NO. 27, PP. 15-20. Ü
Hernández, Julio (2006) "What are the 5s" on the prism removed on 10 February 2010 in
ü Masaaki, Imai. (2002), "The five steps of Housekeeping" on how to implement Kaizen in the workplace (Gemba), Mexico, McGraw Hill, pp. 85-96. Ü
Miranda, Paul. (2003), "The evolution of 5s" Industrial Zone, vol. III, no. 15, pp. 25-29. Ü
Morales, Jorge (2004) "The 5s as a tool in the industry," Production Processes, vol.II, No.16, pp ,12-17
ü Ottawa, Jorge (2003) "The steps for the implementation of the 5s" in The Handbook of engineering (Mexico), Mc. Ü
Rocina Graw Hill, Hernández (2005), "5s methodology" in Portal of Engineers, retrieved February 9, 2010 in http://ingenierosindustriales/5slascinco/
ü Rovira, Caesar. (2004), "Method of 5 s" in Scholars and Professionals Portal, retrieved February 9, 2010 in


array of variables and indicators
object of study: The methodology of the 5's.
Hypothesis: The company implementation of the 5's streamlining production processes and optimization of resources.
Independent variable: The use of the 5's.
dependent variables: Streamline processes and resource optimization. Variables

Indicators Technical Questions

Source Resource optimization
· Order

· Cleaning

· Discipline

* Quality

• Time used
1. What are the 5's?

2. What do you use?

3. How do I use?

4. Why is it important to use?

5. What is its origin?

ü ü Company Files

§ ü Personal Consultation Document Direct observation

§ § Interview

· Inventory Streamline processes in process
· Inventory

manufacturing • Time
1 . What leads you get benefit from the use of the 5's?

2. What area of \u200b\u200bthe factory can be used?

3. Cost of implementation? Ü Company

§ Interview

§ Direct observation

with sources

Source Name
Source Type
information that can provide
Alejandro Agundis Moreno
help better understand the use of the 5's. Audiovisual Company Bizerba

personal experience. Document Library

Knowledge about the 5's. Internet

Document / Audiovisual
more information and real experiences, such as audiovisual stuff: videos.


Academic Survey Knowledge and application of the 5's in the industry.
Age _______ Sex ________ ___________________________ Occupation
1 .- Do you have trouble to organize, standardize and make more clean as possible about your job? Yes ______ No______

2 .- In which department do you work? Shopping
Logistics ______________ ____________ ______________
Production Sale Quality ________________ _______________ _________________ Another
3 .- Which of the following activities to use in your work? (Mark with a check). Ø Separate
Order ________ ________

Ø Ø Clean Ø
_________ _____ systematize or standardize

Ø Other ___________ _____
4 .- Did you know that these activities are called the method of the 5's ... ... ______ No______ If

5 .- Now that you know or knew about the 5's, Do you think this tool can be useful in your daily life? Yes ______ No______

6 .- Would you have spoken or trained to use this tool?

Yes ______ No______ If your previous answers were Yes, answer the following questions;
7 .- Do you have helped to improve t work? Yes ______ No______

8 .- In what ways has enhanced the use of this tool? Times
______________ Quality Cleaning ____________ ______________ __________ Order
movements ____________ _______________ Other

Academic UPSLP
The 5's in the Industry

1. What is your name? Jorge Villafuerte

2. What place is in the business? I
human resources manager

3. What is the work that this company? Well
is varied, I look out the recruitment of staff, organized the payroll, administration courses or trainings that occur within the company tac.

4. How long have you worked?
I have exactly 6 years and 5 months

5. Do you know the method of the 5's?

If I know the method of 5s that before going to work gave me a training course about this method of 5s.

6. How do you implement this method in your business?
in improving and cleaning work areas, in organizing the materials, if we try to implement the 5's in all business processes, whether manufacturing or administrative.

7. How long have you started using the 5's?
We have about 2 years

8. Can you tell me what each step and in which you make of this?
For in all the steps that are Clean, organize, order, rank and discipline.

9. Did it work using this tool?
If this method has helped us in everything from the basics to the more laborious.

10. What aspect or improved by using this method?
As this method has helped us from keeping the office clean up times and improved business productivity

[1] Humberto Gutiérrez Pulido (2005) Total quality and productivity. Mexico, Mc Graw Hill, p.280
[2] Rodrigo Lopez Hernandez (4 February 2010). ¨ The quality of production processes
[3] Paul, Miranda. (2003). "The evolution of 5s" Industrial Zone, vol. III, no. 15, pp.25-29
[4] Imai, Masaaki. (2002), "The five steps of Housekeeping" on how to implement Kaizen in the workplace (Gemba), Mexico, McGraw Hill, pp. 85-96.
[5] George Ottawa. (2003), "The steps for the implementation of the 5s" in The Handbook of engineering (Mexico), Mc. Graw Hill.
[6] Humberto Gutiérrez Pulido (2005) Total quality and productivity. Mexico, Mc Graw Hill, p.280

[7] Imai, Masaaki. (2002), "The five steps of Housekeeping" on how to implement Kaizen in the workplace (Gemba), Mexico, McGraw Hill, pp. 85-96.
[8] Jorge, Ottawa. (2003), "The steps for the implementation of the 5s" in The Handbook of engineering (Mexico), Mc. Graw Hill.
[9] Julio Hernandez. (2006) "What are 5s" on the prism removed on 10 February 2010 in
[10] Rocina, Hernandez. (2005), "5s methodology" in Portal of Engineers, retrieved February 9, 2010 in http://ingenierosindustriales/5slascinco/
[11] Cesar Rovira. (2004), "Method of 5 s" in Scholars and Professionals Portal, retrieved February 9, 2010 in
[12] Guzman, Robles (March 2009) "The 5s in the industry" Industrial Zone, vol. II, NO. 27, PP. 15-20.
[13] Paul, Miranda. (2003), "The evolution of 5s" Industrial Zone, vol. III, no. 15, pp. 25-29.
[14] Jorge, Morales (2004) "The 5s as a tool in the industry," Production Processes, Vol.II, No.16, pp ,12-17

[15] Cesar Rovira. (2004), "Method of 5 s" in Scholars and Professionals Portal, retrieved February 9, 2010 in
ü [16] Humberto, Gutiérrez Pulido. (2005), "The 5's" Quality Total Mexico, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, pp. 280-284.

[17] Imai, Masaaki. (2002), "The five steps of Housekeeping" on how to implement Kaizen in the workplace (Gemba), Mexico, McGraw Hill, pp.
85-96 [18] Jorge, Morales (2004) "The 5s as a tool in the industry," Production Processes, Vol.II, No.16, pp ,12-17

[19] Extracted and the interview with Mr. Jorge Villa strong human resources manager Bizerba SA DE CV services carried out on April 12, 2010


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