The Commission Safety U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in cooperation with Graco Children's Products Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia, announces the recall of about 2 million Graco baby strollers because of the risk of entrapment and they pose strangulation. The CPSC and Graco have received reports of four cases of infant strangulation caused as a result of using these carriages between 2003 and 2005. In addition, CPSC has received reports of five cases where children have been trapped in the carriages, causing cuts and bruises, and a case in which a child was reported that he had trouble breathing.
entrapment and suffocation can occur, especially in children under 12 months when the baby is not buckled. An infant can slip through the opening between the tray of the stroller and the seat bottom, but his head and neck can become trapped by the tray. Children who are caught by the neck at risk of strangulation.
The recall affects older versions of baby strollers and transportation systems Graco Quattro Tour ™ and MetroLite ™ manufactured before the introduction in January 2008 voluntary industry standard, proposing a recommended height of the opening between the tray of the stroller and the seat. This voluntary standard requires larger openings in strollers to prevent entrapment and to prevent the risk of strangulation.
This recall affects baby strollers and systems Graco Quattro Tour ™ transport manufactured before November 2006, and baby strollers and transportation systems MetroLite ™ manufactured before July 2007. Strollers and transport systems were distributed between November 2000 and December 2007. The model numbers are printed on a label on the bottom of the rear frame, just above or below the rear wheels of the stroller. The name "Graco" appears on a label on the drive tray and headrest. The models included in the recall are:
Quattro Stroller
$ 100 - $ 190
Distributed among
November 2002 - December 2007
Quattro Stroller Travel System
$ 200 - $ 250
October 2002 - October 2007
MetroLite Stroller
$ 90 - $ 190
Distributed among
November 2000 - December 2007
MetroLite Travel System
$ 190 - $ 250
December 2000 - June 2005
NOTA: Los cochecitos Quattro y MetroLite cuyos modelos terminan con el número 3 NO están incluidos en este retiro del mercado.
Los cochecitos se vendieron en AAFES, Babies R Us, Burlington Coat Factory, Fred Meyer, Kmart, Meijers, Navy Exchange, Sears, Target, Walmart y otras tiendas en todo el país entre noviembre de 2000 y diciembre de 2007, a precios de entre $90 y $190 para los cochecitos, y entre $190 y $250 para los sistemas de transporte.
Los cochecitos de bebé fueron fabricados en China.
Consumers should stop using the strollers immediately recall and contact Graco for a free repair kit. To order the repair kit, call Graco toll-free at (877) 828-4046 anytime or visit the company web site at www.gracobaby.com. Consumers can continue using the stroller as a "transportation system." When the buggy is used in conjunction with infant car seat, there is no entrapment or strangulation hazard posed by the opening.
For additional information, consumers can contact Graco by calling (800) 345-4109 Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm U.S. Eastern Time (ET).
NOTE: When using a stroller, we encourage parents and caregivers to always protect children using the seat belt and never leave a child alone. For more information about the importance of security related to baby strollers, lower the security alert on the CPSC site: www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/5096.pdf
Hotline Recall Company: (877) 828-4046
Hotline Recall CPSC: (800) 638-2772
Media Contact the CPSC: (301) 504-7908
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