Hi, I'm Dann, a student of Communication Science at the University Columbus Port of Veracruz and I am pleased to share with you some views on topics that are included in the company we are today. I will discuss the problems suffered by our state and the current situation being experienced by young people from Veracruz, is the desire to influence, I would like to encourage reflection convey ideas to help see things from other angles. On this occasion I will talk about an issue that seems to be so present in our lives, however, is an evil that is consumed everyday society, "The image of the artists and the desire for perfection." It is quite true that to sell to get noticed you need a flawless image, almost molded by hand to make us catch the attention of all who see us, so these women, who are more concerned who are in this sort of thing have a myriad of technical operations if not to fix their little details. Chavitos these girls and, if chavitos! that follow them on television or the Internet, they create stereotypes that become their role model and an image of how they want to be. Various problems arise such as giving up eating, drinking, all things that occur to them to avoid foods or in other cases, excessive exercise and healthy living pretending to hide a particular physical and mental. Obviously seeing the artists or individuals "produced" a box, referring to performing excessive dieting and grueling routines in the gym, spectators, in this case young people are the ones who make the market more susceptible, they exaggerate the above, without thinking for a second that is years of work, discipline and good nutrition, deprived not only of a few days of eating and going to run 5-minute block. I think the problem lies in the way we educate our children, let them enter a world where singers, actors and models are their next steps and create traumas that accompany them throughout their lives. Still time to repair this common evil, think that the best image we project is not the one shown. It is true that when someone feels good looks good and get to work guys, nothing is free, not through the hand of God, formémonos a mentality in which the main factors are the mental and physical. Better to look good and feel good that we think look good and we're fine. Ultimately the only person that we were to turn off the light in our bedroom and touch the pillow with his head ourselves, what should be a heavyweight fight between our inner and outer person not? We remain the central point and still a major player in the opposing parties.