Rita Alcalá García
Bachelor of Science in Communication
April 2011
Effective business communication, both internally and external, is one of the areas that students Bachelor of Science in Communication must be mastered for effective professional performance. Thus, Ms. Elena Hernández Loyo, along with his staff, gave a talk on communication processes in Tenaris-Tamsa, one of Mexico's largest companies and producer of steel pipes in the world. Loyo Ms. Hernandez is currently the Regional Communications Manager for Central America and is responsible for coordinating and implementing communication strategies for different audiences in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru in this world class company. The presentation began with an explanation of what it means Tenaris en el mundo, así como de las diversas empresas que pertenecen a este grupo industrial, localizadas en varios continentes. Muchos de los estudiantes saben a qué se dedica esta empresa en Veracruz, pero no todos tenían conocimiento de cómo funciona su estrategia comunicativa y el por qué es tan importante en nuestro país. Tamsa es una gran empresa y para su adecuado funcionamiento necesita de especialistas en diferentes áreas, por lo que la presentadora explicó cuáles son las tareas que puede realizar un Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación dentro de esta industria. Una de esas actividades es mantener en actualización la página web, así como la de youtube y redes sociales. Desde luego también la producción videos, taking photos, making domestic journals can communicate effectively with internal and external audiences, among others. Later, he used the word Ms. Fatima Ruvalcaba Muñoz who invited students and alumni present to join the internship program Tamsa Tenaris group, explaining conditions and requirements as well as the important work experience that can be purchased at this company . To end the conversation, the Director of the BA, MSc. Peter O. Reyes thanked this space so important for students, and were presented with a recognition of the guests, accompanied by applause from the students, who were enthusiastic about the invitation by the Tenaris group Tamsa.
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