Sunday, April 17, 2011

Make A Free Fake Birth Certificate

communication students at Texas State University

communication students are recognized for making the best documentary that contributes to the spread of culture and the third in the production quality in the international festival "Points of View" organized by the Texas State University, congratulations to all and thanks to all who voted for "The religion of another." This year in 360 documentaries from Latin America, in the final stage only 15 among them were students of communication. Students who participated in the making of this documentary are: Jaqueline Alvarez Neri, executive producer, Daniel Tiburcio López, director of production, Cecilia Najera Ximénez de Sandoval and Antonio Cruz Uscanga, location manager, Ana Alicia Osorio González, production manager; Jesica Ramos Hernández, writer, Miguel Angel Mendieta, editing and post; Orduña Aldo Bobadilla Téllez and Francisco Montero, photographers, Alejandro Márquez Díaz, head of staff, Marlene Mata Bautista, Jose Benitez Maritza Angel Cruz Barclay, Brenda Rosas Oliva, Dafne Castillo Martínez, Erick Hernández Ortiz, Teresa de la Vera Cruz, Berenice Arias Saldaña, Staff, and as director Professor Jimmie Aguilar Chiu Andrick .


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