Veracruz writer, Luis Arturo Ramos gives relevance to contemporary social issues in solidarity with marginalized social groups through his new novel, Mickey and his friends, who at the invitation through the Department of Literature of the IPBA presented this Thursday 26 at the Art Gallery Antonio Rocha Cordero of the cultural institution.
The presentation will be at 19:00 am and the comments of this novel, published by Cal y Arena, will be the responsibility of the writers also David Ojeda and Felix Barbosa and moderated by the writer Jorge Humberto Chávez.
In this novel, Mickey and his friends, Luis Arturo Ramos tells the story of Paula Parham, an African-American stature to become the "soul" dwelling Mickey Mouse costume typical (the short red, yellow zapatotes and white gloves) in the Disney World theme park in Orlando, Florida. The role of Mickey Mouse is shrouded in secrets and mysteries to keep the identity of who plays, or as the narrator says: "to keep good guard the mystery of transmigration"
native narrator and essayist Minatitlan, Veracruz, Luis Arturo Ramos studied English literature at the University of Veracruz, was a Fellow of the Mexican Center of Writers (1972-1973) and the INBA (1976-1977). Winner Colima National Fiction Prize twice: in 1980 by Violeta-Peru and in 1988 It was a cat. Mortiz Award Finalist Planet and awarded the National Prize of Literary Essay Melomania José Revueltas 1989 by: the ritualization of the universe.
According to the writer and scholar Martin Campos, it is interesting that Ramos's novel published in 2010, when the company matches Walt Disney has revisited the figure of Mickey Mouse would provide another facet to be adjusted with a new set of video for the Nintendo Wii consoles and away from the naive and child image.
Another area of \u200b\u200bhis works is children's literature, among which are the unicorn Zili (1980) The voice of Cóatl (1983) The night he disappeared the moon (1985) Cuentiario (1986) and White feather, novella for tweens (1993). He has also worked in newspapers and national magazines
Luis Arturo Ramos lived for over 12 years in the Port of Veracruz, mythical port whose memoirs inspired the triptych composed works Intramuros, this was a cat who wanted to be Women God. Intramuros was translated into English and appeared in Spain under the title The City Arena.
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