To celebrate Wednesday the International Museum Day, the facilities of this nature in the city, most will offer free admission to their facilities, while offering a series of activities of interest to all citizens, which includes exhibitions and events recreational and educational for young audiences, literary and musical evenings, and can obtain free access memberships for the year.
Among the actions to be developed, the Viceroyalty Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art will offer free entry to all visitors who come on Wednesday, while Maze Museum of Science and the Arts will trivia out through his profile on Facebook, and who respond quickly and correctly will each receive a membership to access the museum any day of the year.
Meanwhile, the National Museum of the Mask develop a range of recreational and educational events, such as exposure interfacial "Imago" and also will open an exhibition of comic book and the exhibition "Magic Dream" painting Huichol children's children.
the afternoon, at 19: 00 pm, the Railroad Museum will offer a musical and literary, with the participation of writers James Vazquez, Jonathan Gamboa, Tom Iracheta Lazcano and songwriter Hugo Becerra, members of the group Project Kaleidoscope, and 19: 30 pm in the Museo Federico Silva will begin a concert with the Camerata de San Luis, who will perform music by Vivaldi and the Beatles . Entry for both events is free.
As a result of the decision taken at the XII General Assembly of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), held in Moscow, the International Museum Day is celebrated around the world every May 18 since 1977. ICOM, created in 1946 is a nongovernmental organization, under the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, brings together museums and professionals whose function is aimed at preservation, maintenance and communication of cultural and natural heritage of the world, present and future, tangible and intangible.
The theme for International Museum Day 2011 is Museum and Memorial, and that museums have the memories and stories, they keep in their collections that are fundamental objects in the history of the communities in which we live, while are an expression of our natural and cultural heritage, and many of them are fragile, others are in danger, but everyone needs a special care and conservation, which is considered by the International Museum Day 2011 is the best chance to discover and rediscover our individual and collective memory.
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