Association of Manufacturers and distributors AECOC
Carriage "Smart" is the result of a research project funded by the EU and in collaboration with the IESE that transforms the process of buying a real sensory experience.
Grocer Under the name, the car is equipped with a radio frequency and a plasma screen, allowing customers to interact with both hearing and issuing system information. Among other things, the customer can know when the price of products
introduced into your car and know the total amount of your purchase, receive information about promotions, provide suggestions for recipes and a list of ingredients needed to prepare or guidance to locate products in store for the fastest path.
addition, the car has a range of entertainment that allows consumers to listen to music, chat with other clients and even surf the Internet. A wide range of services to revolutionize the purchasing process that offers advantages to both consumers and businesses.
Grocer With consumers can save time when shopping, taking out a personal purchase, improve expenditure management, all while enjoying a nice time at the point of sale. For their part, companies can also provide more information and personalized customer service
, optimize inventory, conduct more effective marketing practices and customer loyalty.
The smart car is just one of the applications of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has great potential not only in retail outlets but also in company stores, homes, health centers, airports etc.
RFID: between technology and magic
Although RFID technology is not new, its origins date back to World War II a few years ago there was no worldwide standard that favors massive takeoff and implementation .
Today, no But more than a hundred countries and by a standard bet, the EPC, Electronic Product Code, which promotes and develops AECOC in Spain and, according to experts, will be the final springboard for this technology. Under the EPC is a hidden code, introduced in a small chip, to identify unequivocally distance and any goods, article, document etc. Is the generational change barcode, a more advanced system may contain more information than the traditional system that allows remote access to it.
The EPC is a kind of DNA that can differentiate between two products with identical characteristics, example, two bottles of water of equal size, brand, etc. properties.
Although it seems unlikely that in a short time horizon of this technology is deployed massively in our stores but it provides that we can enjoy it in the form of applications in specific areas or in certain establishments that wish to enhance the experience and shopping pleasure.
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