Suomen Lähikauppa has has 3 retail chains: Siwa, Valintatalo and Euromarket. Each has its own character, but all have a common philosophy of proximity. Everyone wants to be near their customers. It is also the translation of the name Lähikauppa shop proximity. Suomen
Lähikauppa (better known under its former name Tradeka) has 760 stores in Finland. Siwa convenience store has 550 stores, 200 and Euromarket Valintatalo the supermarket with a range greater size and has 23 stores in Finland.
Jos de Vries The Retail Company and Lähikauppa already working together for over 8 years in the development of different store concepts, we are now working on the development of the convenience store of the future. The development will be under the flagship retail green, recyclable bags in different formats, the use of LED lighting and re-use of rainwater.

Lähikauppa (better known under its former name Tradeka) has 760 stores in Finland. Siwa convenience store has 550 stores, 200 and Euromarket Valintatalo the supermarket with a range greater size and has 23 stores in Finland.

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