Christiaan Rikkers, Director of Jos de Vries The Retail Company, is urging German retailers to communicate more with their own customers.
Mr. Rikkers, what does it mean for you a smart store design?
clarification first: designers are not shops, but consultants and communication strategy for the development of retail concepts.
clarification first: designers are not shops, but consultants and communication strategy for the development of retail concepts.
That sounds like something expensive. Especially in a time when retailers suffer high pressures Cost to deal with.
It's just another misunderstanding. Having a good distribution, successful products and effective communication of store is no more expensive than doing it wrong.
What German retailer has the most beautiful stores today?
When designing a store not just of beauty but of developing a successful retail concept.
reformulate my question: who has a solid communication retail concept in the German food retail market?
Regarding development of a 'retail brand', the Edeka Group has the advantage, as they operate according to a customer-oriented approach, sales and marketing. Globus concept, developed three years ago with Ogilvy in Ludwigshafen is another good example. By contrast, the bulk of competition turns on the products.
What was considered for the new concept of sales of Globus?
successful retail concepts are based on three principles: price, variety and value. To date, most supermarkets only consider the price and variety, forgetting the value added.
successful retail concepts are based on three principles: price, variety and value. To date, most supermarkets only consider the price and variety, forgetting the value added.
What was the goal that was set Globus? Make
stores were more pleasant for customers, so that the visit not only the product but also the shopping experience as Ikea. We also wanted to shake off the image of the establishment as' collection of brands', visited only by customers of industrial brands, and moving towards a 'market' closer, which could be configured as Globus' retail brand. "
That's easier said than done. Why is it so special Globus brand?
solid experiences are created and passed from one customer shopping experience to another. Constantly transmits them the central message: "The world is still going well in Globus."
What do you mean?
Globus customers are traditional foods in all departments. The basic message is based largely on a range of product warranties and product information.
What retail concepts can recommend to our readers as 'proposal to Experience' in Europe?
As supermarket chains: Albert Heijn, sponsored by Ahold, and Jumbo independent company and operator of small establishments 'Iper' northern Italy. As convenience stores, Tesco and Sainsbury's in Britain, in addition to the supermarkets 'Extra' about Tesco's larger stores.
Ikea has mentioned. What the Swedes do as well?
Ikea starts communication with customers in the parking lot. Ikea is in constant dialogue with them from that moment until after they leave or even after he left. Almost
cites no instance outside German Edeka and Globus.
Overall, German retailers barely communicate. Often, only tell their customers that their products are cheap. Underestimate the importance of communication, which is a mistake, and that is what allows companies to present themselves.
what is based for saying that?
How many people work in the marketing departments of the largest distributors in Germany? Maybe three. And how many do in the shops? Two or three hundred. It is a vastly disproportionate ratio. British supermarket leader Tesco employs the same staff in the marketing department in its stores, which makes a huge difference.
How many people work in the marketing departments of the largest distributors in Germany? Maybe three. And how many do in the shops? Two or three hundred. It is a vastly disproportionate ratio. British supermarket leader Tesco employs the same staff in the marketing department in its stores, which makes a huge difference.
If so, what is this blind spot attributable marketing customers?
marketing spending is considered a nuisance. It is still a widespread belief that marketing is little more than publish brochures weekly newspaper, which is not a brand strategy.
Is it still possible that large stores to be reconfigured in the future?
Globus, the 'E centers' Hit Edeka and suitable examples, embodying what we call' New Value-Retail Distribution. " With this expression we refer to concepts that harvest yields in the fields of great variety and price, while providing an authentic shopping experience.
What are the chances of survival gives retail spaces over 10,000 square meters
If the retailer really listen to their customers that the store has 1,000 or 10,000 square meters is irrelevant.
According to his hypothesis, what is what constitutes a satisfactory sales experience?
are many factors involved in the extensive framework of sales experience. The most important thing is that the merchant must offer the customer experience with real added value product. My advice is: organize each department as if it were wine.
Why reality often deviates from this ideal?
Customers often can not recognize a clear strategy behind the bid. The question that the merchant must ask is: "What I want to make the customer experience?" From that moment needed a communication concept.
Customers often can not recognize a clear strategy behind the bid. The question that the merchant must ask is: "What I want to make the customer experience?" From that moment needed a communication concept.
And what is your definition of a persuasive communication concept for retail distribution?
When the customer leaves the store with two things: the products purchased and a favorable overall impression of the nature of the establishment.
How do I generate this impression?
The retailer must communicate its message throughout the time the customer spends in the store. This communication includes answering the following questions: "Who is the retailer, what is your proposal and what it aims to achieve along with the customer." The retailer must constantly take the viewpoint of the client, taking into account what is the value it receives.
The retailer must communicate its message throughout the time the customer spends in the store. This communication includes answering the following questions: "Who is the retailer, what is your proposal and what it aims to achieve along with the customer." The retailer must constantly take the viewpoint of the client, taking into account what is the value it receives.
how retailers communicate this added value specifically?
A shop has several communication options, both inside and outside the establishment. Retailers can use the distribution, design and labeling as through direct and indirect communication.
A shop has several communication options, both inside and outside the establishment. Retailers can use the distribution, design and labeling as through direct and indirect communication.
What are the key consumer trends that retailers should consider in its global communication?
Customers always develop a positive appreciation of the value-centric businesses.
Customers always develop a positive appreciation of the value-centric businesses.
Can give us some examples of this preference of customers for the values?
One third of all Dutch girls 15 years is a vegetarian. If the public is going to be their main customers in ten or fifteen years, the retailer must take into account the effect this will have on their business.
One third of all Dutch girls 15 years is a vegetarian. If the public is going to be their main customers in ten or fifteen years, the retailer must take into account the effect this will have on their business.
How can a retailer demonstrate their commitment to the values \u200b\u200bby communicating with customers?
Through the products 'appropriate', be they organic or vegetarian, prominently positioned to the good visual value. These products have become the essential element of customer contact, as in the case of Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe's in the U.S.
Through the products 'appropriate', be they organic or vegetarian, prominently positioned to the good visual value. These products have become the essential element of customer contact, as in the case of Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe's in the U.S.
The population is aging. Should more attention to those over 50 years? Do you have to reinvent itself the market?
The problem with this client group are specialized communication difficulties. I do not support the concept supermarket for the elderly or children. The most we can do is offer a special range of products that appeal to specific customer groups.
What significance is the store layout in the general area of \u200b\u200bcommunication?
The store layout is one of the most important ingredients of the marketplace and ultimately, all square meters are important. Without good distribution can not optimally exploit the capacity of the store. A good distribution may lead to an increase in turnover of 20 percent.
Where is the secret?
When designing a retail concept, the price positioning of the merchant and the message you want to convey to consumers play an important role. If the retailer is pursuing a concept with a high value, will have to adopt a more flexible.
In the sector say that the design of shelving is an art in itself. What is it that is creative?
shelves is at the confluence of logistics and marketing. To a large extent, is the culmination of both. Albert Heijn is a case in point.
shelving system Albert Heijn allow for exposure to 15 percent more products in the same sales area. Millimeter can be adjusted by reducing the height of the lower shelves of 15 cm. to 1.5 cm. and the average height of 55 cm shelves. to 45 cm.
used in shops often visually appealing display systems, such as Tchibo
. "It prevents the creation of a visually uniform retail brand?
No, if properly deployed, although Tchibo is actually a marketing concept incredibly solid. Thus, in the Sainsbury's in England is still a Sainsbury's arguably environment around Tchibo shelves.
No, if properly deployed, although Tchibo is actually a marketing concept incredibly solid. Thus, in the Sainsbury's in England is still a Sainsbury's arguably environment around Tchibo shelves.
What is the conclusion to be drawn?
Instead of skimping on advertising costs, trade and industry would gain by investing in global visual marketing for the stores.
Instead of skimping on advertising costs, trade and industry would gain by investing in global visual marketing for the stores. For more information or
please contact Maurice van der Kooij ( m.vanderkooij @ )
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