Italian coffee brand Illy has partnered with Coca-Cola to create a line of beverage, to enjoy the coffee: Illy Issimo call.

Coffee: black, character and actual body, chilled with the Italian coffee experience.
Cappuccino: intense uplifting aromas of illy espresso, blended with milk and exotic flavors of dark velvety cocoa.
Latte Macchiato: energizing, good coffee Illy espresso that provides a fresh experience, nice spiral, with milky notes.
Issimo is an extraordinary Illy 100% Arabica coffee blend
illycaffe SpA controls ten companies in the world dedicated to the distribution in international markets.
illycaffe The group markets a unique blend for Horeca (hotels, restaurants, bars), for consumption at home and office. To this day sold in 140 countries, 5 continents and drink in over 50 thousand locations. In 2006, overseas sales exceeded 54% of the total.
Today, more than a year that Coca-Cola and the Italian illycaffe create ILKO Coffee International, will ship in gourmet shops and cafes in Guadalajara and Monterrey in Mexico, and then go progressively expand in the rest of country.
Illy Issimo enter into that market, which is valued worldwide at 17.000 million dollars (md), with three presentations: Caffè, Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato, which are already in the U.S., Japan and Austria.
The multinational said that their interest is that this segment is one of the fastest growing in the world, with an annual average of 10.1% as coffee consumption represents 10.4% of the market soft drinks.
While the Mexican market also has great potential as more people seek to consume coffee away from home, so much so that in the last three years this category has grown steadily at double digit rates.
According to company information Nestlé, Mexico is the world leader in instant coffee consumption, and consumed about 12 billion cups, ahead of countries like Japan, Russia, Great Britain France and the Philippines.
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