With the slogan "Everything good turns" it offers consumers the same quality and tradition of always, in a presentation that revives the lithographed at the time, with the shield on the neck and the Eagle's flagship beer.
In April 2008, was introduced to the market a limited edition of Zulia, in a 250ml can. This presentation was well received so the company decided to launch a permanent basis Cerveza Zulia, this represents an internal evolution of the house Brahma, because for years they were engaged in positioning the mother brand.
Zulia is a pilsner beer, with 4.5 degrees of alcohol, whose "Top of Mind" has always been to Venezuela to "the real beer."
The Zulia brewing dates back to 1925 with the founding of the brewery of the same name, with exclusive distribution in the city of Maracaibo. By 1929, CervecerÃa Zulia Maracaibo merged with United Breweries to form Zulia and Maracaibo, a company which went on production and distribution of beer eagle. This scenario continued until 1945, when he shortened his name to be called again CervecerÃa Zulia, a company that becomes part of CA National Brewery in 1955. In 1994, Brahma Venezuela Company, known today by its corporate brand AmBev Venezuela, acquired National Brewery and, consequently, the absolute rights Zulia on beer.
The Zulia communication campaign is focused mainly on traditional pieces in outlets such as posters that highlight the phrase "Here is sold Zulia" ceramic tile with the eagle, flags and blotters, promotional materials similar to those used at peak times this drink.
If we noticed that Polar has reacted strongly to counter the onslaught of Zulia, but also note that the bonuses are suspending their customers with exclusivity and a strong reduction in their ads, of course, this is an old strategy of polar "let them run, then cease to be" new " attack with all his expertise, distribution capabilities and creative talent, Ambev knows this, which previously has personally suffered, Regional by his side has been launched to conquer the public young and seems to maintain its marketing plan intact, so we can only sit down with our cold to wait the two best months (October and November) to see the next "war of beers, which, as in the past benefited the consumer must leave.
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